Become a Lifetime Connections Member

Join others who are committed to a world in which all our loved ones live good lives, and all our loved ones belong. As a member you will receive reduced workshop rates, special invitations and more.

Become part of a collective voice advancing ideas that will improve the lives of our loved ones with disabilities.

Associate Membership

Associate Members receive the following benefits for only $75.00:

  • Lifetime Connections Listserve messages and the opportunity to communicate freely with other families working on future planning.
  • First In Families of North Carolina newsletters, full of information about the program and real stories from Personal Networks currently operating.
  • A two hour future planning consultation.
  • A reduction of 25% at all workshops and educational forums offered to the public.
  • Invitations to various "members only" gatherings.
  • A reduction of $10 on the hourly individual facilitation rate for all services other than Personal Networks.

Join online today. Click on the 'Add to Cart' button below to purchase your membership using Google Check Out:

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Lifetime Membership

Lifetime Connections Associates wishing to establish a Personal Network for their relative with a disability may become Lifetime Members of Lifetime Connections.

Lifetime Membership provides families with access to a full range of information, consultative and network services. Personal Networks are only available to Lifetime Members.

Lifetime Connections membership provides families with access to a full range of information, consultative and network services.

For More Information

To determine whether Lifetime Connections Membership is right for you and your family, or for more information call 919-251-8368 extension 107 or email